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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Named Sets for Time Dimensions

--Time examples

--How to define a default value for current month referring to the system clock if the month level in the time dimension is formatted yyyymm
StrToMember("[Time].[Month].[" + Format(Now(), "yyyymm") + "]")

--How to create a named set for current month referring to the system clock if the month level in the time dimension is formatted yyyymm
{StrToMember("[Time].[Month].[" + Format(Now(), "yyyymm") + "]")}

--How to create a named set referring to a separate column in the table used for the time dimension as a member property
{Filter([Time].[Month].Members, [Time].CurrentMember.Properties("IsCurrentMonth") <> "0").Item(0).Item(0)}

--Referring to a named set called Current Month
[Current Month].Item(0).Item(0)

--Referring to last 6 months (up to current month)
LastPeriods(6, [Current Month].Item(0).Item(0))

--How to use the named set Current Month for positioning on the quarter level
LastPeriods(6, Ancestor([Current Month].Item(0).Item(0), Time.Quarter))

--Last 6 members on month

--Last 6 members on month where actual is larger then 0
{Tail(Filter({[Time].[Month].members},[Measures].[Actual] > 0),6)}

--All months where actual is larger then 0
{Filter({[Time].[Month].members},[Measures].[Actual] >0)}

--Order months depending on actual
{Order([Time].[Month].members, [Measures].[Actual], BDESC)}

1 comment:

  1. What about CurrentDateMember?
