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Friday, April 20, 2012

Data Type Comparison Between SQL and SSIS Datatype

Below table provides us a detailed comparison between data types used in SQL Server and SSIS data types

Monday, April 2, 2012

Pentaho Data Connection with Variables

Q: When you create a normal database connection, you have to edit the transformation or job to connect to a different host or database. How can I make this a variable?
A: Here are the steps to make a connection based on variables and share the connection for easier reuse:
1. In Spoon, open the transformation containing the current hardcoded form of the DB connection.
2. Expand the "Database connections" section of the navigation tree.
3. Double click on the connection you currently have defined to edit it.
4. In the "server host name" textbox, change the currently hardcoded value (e.g. DBserver) to a variable (e.g. ${DB_HOSTNAME})
5. Save and close that dialog (Click OK)
6. Right click the connection you just edited and select the option "Share", to share it.
7. Save the transformation you had open. (Shared connections don't get written out until you save something)
8. Using a file explorer, navigate to the .kettle directory inside your home directory (i.e. "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.kettle" for Windows XP/2000 ", "C:\Profiles\<username>\.kettle" for Windows Vista ", /home/<username>/.kettle" for Linux/Unix)
9. The shared connection should now be in .kettle/shared.xml. This file can be copied and pasted to any new Kettle installation.
10. Edit the file using a standard text editor.
11. Create a new line in it below the comments with the name of the variable you defined in step 4.
(The new line would read as follows if you named the variable DB_HOSTNAME: DB_HOSTNAME = localhost)
12. On any new installation, you can edit that file and define a new value for that variable.
13. Once you have completed all of the above, either restart kettle or select the Set environment variables option in the Edit menu.