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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Build Docker for Logstash - Ubuntu

Below steps helps to launch a logstash machine with Doker file.

Step 1: Install Docker

>> sudo apt-get install docker-ce (for ubuntu)

Step 2: Lets create a folder docker-image

Step 3: create a file called Docker with below scripts:

RUN rm -f /usr/share/logstash/pipeline/logstash.conf # (optional)
RUN mkdir -p ADD /usr/share/logstash/template # (optional)
COPY your_pipeline.conf /usr/share/logstash/pipeline/your_pipeline.conf
CMD ["/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash", "-f", "/usr/share/logstash/pipeline/your_pipeline.conf"]

Step 4: Navigate to Dockerfile location and run below command in terminal:

>> docker build -t test_logstash:v1 <docker dir>

Step 5: Run >> docker run  test_logstash:v1 or <image id>

Merge Panda Dataframe and Remove NaN Records

Below method help developer to merge multiple dataframe with same number of columns into single dataframe

Assume we have dataframes : r1 and r2, and we need to ignore null records then you can use below command with dropna().

merged_df = pd.concat([r1, r2], axis=0).dropna()
merged_df.to_csv('output.csv', index=False, doublequote=False)

Split Strings in Bigquery Using REGEXP

Split Strings in Bigquery Using REGEXP

Assume that we have a bigquery column with values like below:

driver: 110

Expected Output
Device                         | Cost
television                    |100
mobile                        | 250
driver                          | 110

Use below bigquery statements to split the column:

      WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(pair,":") THEN REGEXP_EXTRACT(pair, r'(\w*):')
      ELSE pair
    END AS attribute_name,
    REGEXP_EXTRACT(pair, r'\:(.*)') AS attribute_value

Python Fundamental - Operators

#Save the below code as python file and execute to see output.

varA = 15
varB = 6

# 1. Addition operator
add_sample = varA + varB

# 2. Subtract operator
sub_sample = varA - varB

# 3. Multiply operator
multiply_sample = varA * varB

# 4. Division operator
division_sample = varA / varB

#5. Add Assignment (usefull for loop statement, any one below method can be used)

add_sample += 3

add_sample = add_sample + 1

# Similarly for other operators, use operator sign befor equal to assign value:
# examples:  -=, *=, /=

#7 Modulus

mod_sample = varA % varB

#8 exponentiation

exp_sample = varA ** 2

# Note: Operator Rule
# BODMAS: Bracket Orders Division Multiple Addition Subtraction

Python Fundamental - Strings and Indexes Example

#Save the below code as python file and execute to see output.

# 1. Normal

strA = 'My First string in quotes'
strB = "My first string in double quotes"

print (strA + "; " + strB)

#2. Escape Sequence
# escA= "My "first" double quotes" (This will result in error)
escA = "My 'first' double quotes"
escB = "My \"first\" double quotes"
print( escA + "; " + escB)

#3 String Index
# Index starts at 0 in python
indA = strA[0]
indB = strA[5]
print("Print indexes: " + indA + "; " + indB)

#4 Slicing of Strings

strC = "Python"

sliceA = strC[:3] #gives first 3 characters
sliceB = strC[3:] #gives last 3 characters
sliceC = strC[2:4] #gives 3 and 4 characters
print("Print slice indexes: " + sliceA + "; " + sliceB + "; "+ sliceC)

Python Fundamental Variables and Datatypes - Examples

#Save the below code as python file and execute to see output.

# 1. Add a variable and assign datatype int

myInt = 5

# 2. Add a variable and assign datatype float

myFloat = 5.5

 # 3. Add a variable and assign datatype boolean
myBool = True