
Apache Hadoop (3) ASP.NET (2) AWS S3 (2) Batch Script (3) BigQuery (21) BlobStorage (1) C# (3) Cloudera (1) Command (2) Data Model (3) Data Science (1) Django (1) Docker (1) ETL (7) Google Cloud (5) GPG (2) Hadoop (2) Hive (3) Luigi (1) MDX (21) Mongo (3) MYSQL (3) Pandas (1) Pentaho Data Integration (5) PentahoAdmin (13) Polybase (1) Postgres (1) PPS 2007 (2) Python (13) R Program (1) Redshift (3) SQL 2016 (2) SQL Error Fix (18) SQL Performance (1) SQL2012 (7) SQOOP (1) SSAS (20) SSH (1) SSIS (42) SSRS (17) T-SQL (75) Talend (3) Vagrant (1) Virtual Machine (2) WinSCP (1)

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

BigQuery - Calculating Runnig Total

The below bigquery helps user to calculate running total of page visit:

SELECT DATE(a.date_time), a.hour,  a.minute, a.views, SUM(a.views) OVER (ORDER BY  a.hour,  a.minute) AS rt
FROM  [sampledate.clicks] a
JOIN  [sampledate.clicks] b ON  a.date_time = b.date_time
WHERE  b.date_time <= a.date_time 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Install Google BigQuery - Command Line Tool

Google BigQuery can also be accessed from command line. To achieve this one need to implement below steps:

  1. Install Google cloud using, gcloud install by opening the terminal
  2. Check python version -- type python -version
  3. Run apt-get install python-setuptools
  4. Check if pip is installed, If not found, sudo easy_install pip
  5. Install google client tools for python using, pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client .
If not installed try the following commands (only for Mac users)
    1. Enter the following at a command prompt:
    2. $ curl | bash
    3. Restart your shell:
    4. $ exec -l $SHELL
    5. Run gcloud init to initialize the gcloud environment:
    6. $ gcloud init
6. Initialise gcloud using , gcloud init
7. Check big query using bq command, bq ls

SSH Key and GitHub Configuration

Step 1: Check existing shh keys.             
            > ls -al ~/.ssh

drwxr-xr-x+ 53 ******  staff  1802 Jun 13 10:17 ..
-rw-------   1 ******  staff  1766 May 10 17:10 github_rsa
-rw-r--r--   1 ******  staff   404 May 10 17:10
-rw-------   1 ******  staff  1675 Jun  2 16:12 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--   1 ******  staff   428 Jun  2 16:12
-rw-r--r--   1 ******  staff  2206 Jun  8 11:37 known_hosts

Step 2: Copy SSH Key
            >pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

ssh-rsa ******7tuyqguygdygayga/Iugahasbyasgcjhasbcjhasjcjsajhcjh+hhH/HNGjZ +YVVGvvvvvTcchkjnskbjh+users@userssystem.local

Step 3: You can add this ssh key to Github account by navigating to Profile — > Setting —> New Ssh key

Step 4: Validating GitHub ssh account
            > ssh -T

Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address ‘*******’ to the list of known hosts.
Hi *****! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

BigQuery - Dealing with Date and Time

The below google bigquery provide us idea to convert timestamp to different date and time values:

SELECT CURRENT_DATE() as currentdate
              , CURRENT_TIME() currenttime, CURRENT_timestamp() currentdatetime
              , DATE(TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_timestamp())) AS dateonly
              , MONTH(TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_timestamp())) as monthonly
              , YEAR(TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_timestamp())) as yearonly
              , HOUR(TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_timestamp())) as houronly
              , MINUTE(TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_timestamp())) as minuteonly
              , SECOND(TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_timestamp())) as secondonly
              , DAY(TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_timestamp())) as dayonly
              , PARSE_UTC_USEC(STRING(CURRENT_timestamp())) as timestamtounix
              , NOW() AS CurrentUnixTimestamp
              , USEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(1465814687003321) AS unixtotimestamp
  FROM [project:dataset.table] LIMIT 1;

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Vagrant Ubuntu Virtual Machine - Step by Step Installation

Vagrant and Installation

Step 1: Installing Virtualbox
Download Oracle Virtulabox from install virtual box.

Step 2: Installing Vagrant

Step 3: Installing Vagrant Host-Manager
Run below commands to install vagrant manager.
$vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager

Step 4: Create vagrant working directory
$mkdir VagrantBox
$cd VagrantBox
$mkdir ubuntu64
$cd ubuntu64

Step 5: Run ubuntu virtual machine
$ vagrant box add {title} {url}

$vagrant box add ubuntu64

Step 6: Initiate vagrant ubuntu machine

$ vagrant init {title}
$ vagrant up

Step 7: A ubuntu machine will start, and requests for username and password. Provide below username and password and start using virtual machine.

username: vagrant
password: vagrant