The below code help you to create a sample config file using python script. The below code is tested with python 3.4 version:
Step 1: Check you have python 3.* installed in your machine and also you have python configparser package installed.
Step 2: Create a python file with below scripts, say the python file is saved as
import configparser
config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
config.set('ETL', 'etldbname', '*****')
config.set('ETL', 'etllogin', '******')
config.set('ETL', 'etlpassword', '****')
config.set('ETL', 'etlport', '****')
config.set('ETL', 'etlserver', '*****')
config.set('FPATH', 'filepath', 'D:/ETLFile/')
# Writing our configuration file to 'ETLConfig.cfg'
with open('ETLConfig.cfg', 'wt') as configfile:
Step 3: On executing file, you can see in your working directory, a new CFG file named ETLConfig.cfg is created with below texts.
etldbname = *****
etllogin = ******
etlpassword = ****
etlport = ****
etlserver = *****
filepath = D:/ETLFile/
This ETLConfig file can be called in other python files, and the variables can be used as Global Variables in all packages.