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Friday, February 12, 2016

Creating Named Set for Current Month, Last 6 Months, and Parallel Period Months

Assume you have a date attributes in the following format:

[Date].[Calendar Date].[Year].&[1999].&[1].&[1].&[01/16/1999]

First create a named set [Current month], with below script. Then followed by  Last 6 Months and parallel period.

Current Month:
StrToMember('[Date].[Calendar Date].[Date].&[' + FORMAT(Now(), "MM/dd/yyyy") + ']').Parent

 Last 6 Months:
TAIL({NULL: [Current Month].ITEM(0)}, 6)

 Last 6 Months - Previous Year
TAIL({NULL: PARALLELPERIOD([Date].[Calendar Date].[Year], 1, [Current Month].ITEM(0))}, 6)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

SSRS - How to Split a Single Column to Multiple Columns

Let us assume we have dataset with below fields:
StudentName                Score
A 2,90,100,8
B 1,80,100,7
C 1,90,100,2

Score can be defined as (attemptno, scored, total, rank)
Now, I want to split this score column to four columns as 'Attempts', 'Scored', 'Total', and 'Rank'. To add this column we need to add below expression to text boxes.


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Passing Config File Variables in Other Python Files

Assume you have a config file (ETLConfig.cfg) with below texts (variables):

etldbname = *****
etllogin = ******
etlpassword = ****
etlport = ****
etlserver = *****

filepath = D:/ETLFile/

Now we need to use these variable in other python files.

Create a python file ( with below script:

1. Read variables from ETLConfig.cfg using configparser and write those variables to connection strings in your file:

import configparser
import sys
import pprint
import time
import datetime
import os
import csv
import sqlite3
from datetime import date, timedelta

import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import errorcode

config = configparser.RawConfigParser()'ETLConfig.cfg')

m1servername = config.get('ETL', 'etlserver')
m1dbname = config.get('ETL', 'etldbname')
m1login = config.get('ETL', 'etllogin')
m1password = config.get('ETL', 'etlpassword')
m1port = config.get('ETL', 'etlport')

cnx = {
  'user': m1login,
  'password': m1password,
  'host': m1servername,
  'database': m1dbname,
  'raise_on_warnings': True,
  'use_pure': False



etlfilepath = config.get('FPATH', 'filepath')
print(etlfilepath )

2. On executing the python file (, you can see the printed connection strings having same values available in CFG file.

How to Create Configuration File (*.cfg) Using Python?

The below code help you to create a sample config file using python script. The below code is tested with python 3.4 version:

Step 1:  Check you have python 3.* installed in your machine and also you have python configparser package installed.

Step 2: Create a python file with below scripts, say the python file is saved as

import configparser

config = configparser.RawConfigParser()

config.set('ETL', 'etldbname', '*****')
config.set('ETL', 'etllogin', '******')
config.set('ETL', 'etlpassword', '****')
config.set('ETL', 'etlport', '****')
config.set('ETL', 'etlserver', '*****')

config.set('FPATH', 'filepath', 'D:/ETLFile/')

# Writing our configuration file to 'ETLConfig.cfg'
with open('ETLConfig.cfg', 'wt') as configfile:

Step 3: On executing file, you can see in your working directory, a new CFG file named ETLConfig.cfg is created with below texts.

etldbname = *****
etllogin = ******
etlpassword = ****
etlport = ****
etlserver = *****

filepath = D:/ETLFile/

This ETLConfig file can be called in other python files, and the variables can be used as Global Variables in all packages.