To perform data analytics on SQL Server data through R-Programming, we need to install RStudio.
After installing RStudio, perform below steps:
Step 1: Create a ODBC Connection for the database (e.g., DSN name = 'mydata')
Step 2: Open RStudio and install RODBC package:
run Library(RODBC)
Step 3: Verify RODBC package is available in RStudio (see arrow mark)
Step 4: Create new connection object in Rstudio As shown in above image.
myconn <-odbcConnect("mydata", uid="****", pwd="***")
where myconn is name of the object, and mydata is the dsn name.
Step 5: Test the new connection
Step 6: Check tables in a schema.
Tables <- sqlTables(myconn, schema="dbo")
Step 7: When every thing is Ok, you can create a object to store SQL data as daatset, see below:
myusers <- sqlQuery(myconn, "SELECT * FROM dbo.Userlist")
A new data set myusers will be created and you can view the resultset.